Holy write has had a massive impact on the entire world and society today. The industrial age (one hundred years ago) created a modern world, increasing lifespan and luxuries; though with industrial age, three hidden flu bugs entered society causing inner suffering and a decline of humanity.
Writers, speakers, artists, and musicians touch on it in song, books, and pulpits. While the Holy write did not need make much mention of it for those times, so these three items were underweighted and overlooked. Surprisingly, they are simple. After industrial revolution, human lifespan doubled then trippled, while need for exercise diminished, processed foods entered, and Journaling for self-study was not well introduced.
1 — Food
With the industrial age, food was simple with no refrigerators. Human beings had never lived on processed foods with sweeteners, preservatives, and junk foods. People ate lots of meat. As lifespan tripled, studies found grains and vegetables more healthy for people than meat. We now know what we eat daily has a huge impact on how we feel (in our mind, body, and spirit).
2 — Exercise
Pre-industrial age: were physical labor jobs, short lifespan, and lots of walking! People migrated on foot and animal lots and relocated to hunt for food (people did a lot of cardio (sweat and moved a lot). Now we live "three" times as long, and many jobs became sit-down jobs creating more opportunity for women.
A hidden necessity for exercise arose (usually something only competing athletes did). Daily cardio is perhaps the biggest flu bug worldwide. For many people, this secret is a found treasurevid
3 — Journaling
'Self-journaling' didn't exist. To remember things people engraved, marked, and prayed/meditated. Very few scribed. A new way to self-learning & insight became available. Never in human history could you keep a pen and notebook in your pocket. Today educators, religion, and science, all teach that by journaling to yourself about what is on your mind you can discover solutions to plauging problems and discover hidden insight.
Those above three items weren't much mentioned in ancient writings, as such were seldom taught both in secular schools and Sunday schools; they did not take root in modern society. As human lifespan tripled, site down increased, processed junk foods entered, and the need to exercise decreased, 'hidden' flu bugs crept into humanity creating lots of unknown and unfamiliar hardship on our bodies and minds; today likely are a big impact of the world epidemic.
How much impact on humanity would it have had if those above three items had made it into scripture; if those above items had been taught in schools?
Below (see Site References) is more insight on these three undersighted activities impacting the last 100 years.
Scribing (writing) in old times as a trade, was perhaps once laughed at as a craft trade. Knowledge acquired between 500 to 1800 AD, must have been substantial. The future of holy write beyond the new world of industrial revolution is somewhat elusive. There are no to few if any professional journals regarding insight to books of ancient scripture. Emotional intelligence was not a focus of Education and Universities.
The printing press brought Pentateuch / Torah, Tanakh (Old Testament books), and Bible to anyone that could read and in their own language, instead of few handwritten copies entrusted to kings, rulers, bishops, and popes.
Seems scripture relates more to emotional intelligence, though with the industrial era, since those three items were not included in scripture, niether emo intel tought in schools, in crept hidden flu bugs to what would be a forever changed world.
Last Question
Within ancient times, was there a transition time between the era of Tanakh (Old Testament) and the New Testament?
Did a knowledge and population increase, while perhaps had holy write become elusive having vanished, give rise to the toiling birth of Christianity?
Perhaps further back, with Pentateuch / Torah (first 5 books of Moses Bible) did successes of those times create a population and education increase from data that didn't before exist; (else from what was not needed previously) and gave rise to Tanakh (additional Old Testament books).
Universities began publishing professional journals for the past 300 years now in: Math, Language, Science, Agriculture...
● Additional branches of religion sprouted up in America with amended form of religious study & worship.
● Old Testiment records these mentions of
vegitarin lifestyle.
● LDS church published "word of wisdom"(1800's) to eat grains, reduse meat consumtions, avoid alcohol, tobacco, and coffee.
It's possible from industial era fwd, people were being quieted and shunned that spoke out for garden foods and cardio for health, as well as tipics like smoking /drinking. Some of that failure could have been the approach, based on conditions and limitations of world at that time.
Internet is a new opportunity to edu and collaboration, though contains some flu bugs within content, images and videos.
Eg. Language, dress, morals, addictive substances, and manipulation.
Perhaps 90% of world has internet censorship to reduce societal flubugs, including: China, India, North Korea, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Syria, , Morocco, Russia, Turkey. Througout the Americas, organizations often have internet censorship enabled for employees while at work.
I believe the missing key to understand and practise those three neglected items above, magnified effected by industrail revolution. Less important, here below are a few website concepts we might see in the future that together with ai could help bridge knowledge as well as reduse confusion in our own day.
What's printing
A website that provides (and can upload) favorite articles from world-wide print of recent: Talks, Magazines, publications, periodicals, and simply written papers. With link to Author site, subscription, and donation pay link.
As well readers could comment on (wiki like) to help others understand message of article; with rules against negative use. Author/writer has full access and control of level of wiki edits and comments, as well as deleting it so it is not available.
Holy write
Wiki were, people of interest can give insight: give feedback and thoughts regarding scripture books, like a big study group, creating sort of a translated version of Torah, Tanakh, and New Testament. Likewise as well for other scripture.
Books of ages
Same website idea as above (though with books of history) while linking to existing studies about that book -- giving clearer insight on books like:
Marcus Aurelius, Gandhi Autobiography, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, George Orwell, To Kill A Mockingbird, Hemingway, books of today like Kite Runner, How to Win Friends and Influence People...
Keeping in mind some of those books are written in time of low utility, in a world forever lost to makind.
Wiki movies/documentaries:
Authors writers can work together to produce movies with more depth and insight. Great for helping understand others, past societies, sociatal conflicts, prejudices. Perhaps also a wiki_like discussion site of past popular films (simular to topic above).
Wiki Journals
Just like professional journals except wikied together by people. So anyone that joins can give input. With collaboration from those that manage professional Journals. That seems to be semi in process.
Emotional intel Journals
Like professional journals except regarding emotional intelligence concepts with 'unanswered questions', wikied together kind of like Wikipedia did to encyclopedias. Topics like Strict adherence vs best judgment, finding order in chaos / silence in noise, self-journaling, courage in comfort, resilience in abuse, and finding freedom within confinement.
AI & ML elites
While AI & ML org's are collecting data e.g. NLP as an assistant & tutor vs. actual liberated knowledge wiki platform working together and with NLP. Perhaps the current state of AI is compared to stages of Old and New testament bible, where only the elites had access to knowledge from above.
Both views are likely to have wisdom. The pros and cons (as well as) what amt of history, data, to share and best ways to make it available. That topic itself would have been (would be) one of many great high school / college study topics. Such topics would also make great wiki discussions though it seems the web platforms wiki Journal platforms don't appear to yet exist."
A few courses (K-12 / highschool) would help kids with decision making, social interaction & communication, flubugs, emo sills, and how to self journal for personal development.
Perhaps temporary prerequisite college & university courses regarding those topics. As well sustainability methods of perhaps for profit businesses that take revenues and pledge them toward grandfathered flubugs of that industry to assist businesses that are financially negatively effected. As well to steer toward humanitarian health.
Hidden solutions (perhaps probono) of tax debt and school loans to help ppl for those that have discovered and overcome their hidden sociatal flubugs (that were cause of debt), else tools for those individuals to help discover habitual flubugs. More regarding organizations that reach out to these individuals.